Images and icons requirements

Most of our Zendesk themes have an option to use custom icons and background images for the search area. Below you can find our recommendations for their dimensions and formats.

General recommendations


No specific sizing requirements.

Transparent background and SVG format are preferred.

Custom blocks icons or any other icons


We recommend using SVG icons as they look beautiful on all devices.

Recommendations for images in specific themes

  • Lotus One
  • Mink
  • Flatrock
  • Oyster
  • Iowa
  • Branch
  • Leaf

Search area background image
(hero unit)

At least 1600x1100px

We recommend using a colorful photo in the JPEG format.

  • Braden

Search area background pattern
(hero unit)

No specific requirements.

We recommend using the SVG format.

  • Hudson

Search area image

1000x520px, SVG

Bottom image

500x260px, SVG

  • Delta

Sidebar bottom image

870x700px, SVG or PNG with a transparent background

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