Terms of Service

Not yet followed by anyone

Important information about the terms of use for our products for Zendesk Help Center.

You can

  • Use the chosen theme with Zendesk Help Center on your own. You can use it for yourself, your employer, or client, who must be the end user of your work.
  • Modify the chosen template to meet your needs on your own or order our services to modify it. With each theme, you are granted a non-exclusive, worldwide license, allowing you, or your single client, to create a single end product.
  • Use templates purchased on LotusThemes.com for a single domain only, whether they are published or not. You can use the theme with additional Zendesk Help Centers if you have multibrand licenses.

You can not

  • Share, resell, barter, trade or give away a single theme multiple times in its original or modified form. If you want to give a template to more than one client, you will need to purchase a new one every time you want to sell it.
  • Claim intellectual or exclusive ownership of any of our products, modified or unmodified. The intellectual property rights of the purchased theme remain the property of Lotus Studio LLC. If we discover unauthorized distribution of our intellectual property, the original license may be voided without refund, and all Help Centers using the original code or unauthorized copies must cease using them immediately. In such cases, we reserve the right to take legal action against you.
  • Make more than one Help Center using the same Zendesk theme (to make another Help Center with the same template you have to purchase a multibrand license).
  • Provide rival companies with access to the theme.
  • License templates and make them available on your website for your users to download.
  • Demonstrate our templates for commercial purposes without credit to Lotus Themes.
  • Add a theme code or its parts to public repositories (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc) because it will be available to everyone on the Internet and can be used as an unauthorized copy. The code of a theme or extensions in its original or modified form can be used only by the company that made a purchase.

You agree to take all commercially responsible steps to prevent your third parties from duplicating any theme. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of any LotusThemes.com templates for Zendesk Help Centers, please notify us at hello@lotusthemes.com.

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